Monthly Archives: April 2013

Geneva’s New Course Additions

New Geneva has added several courses for the series scholar of Christian Theonomy and Reconstruction.


BIBL ECO 101 Introduction to Economics – 3 credit hours
BIBL ECO 102 Fundamentals of Economics – 3 credit hours
BIBL ECO 200 – Applied Economics – 3 credit hours
BIBL ECO 210 – History of Money and Banking – 4 credit hours
BIBL ECO 220 – Stewardship – 4 credit hours
BIBL ECO 300 – The Theology of Work4 credit hours


PHIL 250 Defending the Faith – 3 credit hours
PHIL 270 Historical Theology3 credit hours
HIS 400 Historiography and the Philosophy of History – 4 credit hours
HIS 320 Historical Theology (Undergraduate Level)  – 4 credit hours
HIS 620 Historical Theology (Graduate/Seminary Level)6 credit hours

Geneva’s in-house Library list in a searchable pdf



Fear of Failure

With so many Christians professing to be Reconstructionists, why is so little being accomplished?
While I admit there may be many reasons for this I think there is one that leads the pack, which must be faced if the Kingdom of God is to be advanced in our life time.

Writing is Easy

It is easy to write and pontificate about Theonomy and Christian Reconstruction and do nothing to apply it. It is also east to tell others what needs to be done without actually doing it yourself. To sequester Theonomy and the principles of Christian Reconstruction to the written or spoken word is to make void that very word . Talking is not doing. By its very definition Theonomy is to be an applied reality. It needs to be set forth in application into the events of history, beginning with local communities.


The reason why not much is actually accomplished  in the name of Theonomy and Christian Reconstruction  is fear of failure. While ignorance of Theonomic Reformation strategies may play a part, fear may be the real culprit.

battle_of_monmouthThink about it this way. Theonomists and Reconstructionists want to believe that the concepts of Biblical Theonomic Reconstruction hold the solutions to our unraveling societal order. I hold to this idea as well. Yet, too many believe that simply discussing these concepts without injecting them into the social order is enough to make changes. This can never work.

Since talk is cheap, and concepts can be discussed without any measurable negative blowback or failure, every strategy and tactic seems glorious. However, until these strategies are put into the culture they remain merely conceptual. Theonomic Christian Reconstruction strategies and logistics must be tried. They must be applied and their impact measured. Just because Biblical solutions are needed does not automatically translate into our knowing on how to apply them to every situation. We are all still on a learning curve. We must begin testing our logistics in the laboratory of the societal order.

Leadership is about overcoming fear. It is about having enough confidence in the concepts to actually get out and apply them. Christendom must stop talking and get moving. The application of faith is the test of faith.