Monthly Archives: January 2010

Is America Still the Land of the Free?

Of a truth, the only real liberty is that Liberty which the Lord Christ grants either to an individual, a family, a state, or a nation, by His Sovereign Grace. For an individual, liberty is granted as a result of regeneration. This liberty is a spiritual liberty from the penalty of sin, and the ravages of sin’s dominion over the flesh. While it is spiritual, it is no less real. Its essence is Divine, and its power is therefore of God, which makes it very real in this life. The liberty one has in Christ is not merely conceptual or theoretical, but actual, with physical, behavioral and emotional evidences attached. cf Gal 5

Since True Liberty is only that Liberty which is under God, a family, state, or nation, en mass, realizes Biblical Liberty when it submits itself to the Law of God as it is revealed in the Holy Scriptures. Contra-wise, whenever an individual, family, state or nation refuses to submit itself to the Law-Word of God, it comes under the frowning providence of God, and is thereby libel to God’s wrath. If repentance is forthcoming, God turns, and re-establishes that entity under His blessing. However, if that entity continues in its rebellion, God judges, and if repentance ultimately fails, He destroys that entity, be it an individual, family, state or nation.

That America has been the recipient of God’s blessing under a Christianize socio-political and economic structure, despite some missteps historically, is without question. Recent America has not been so blessed. Under the present Administration for instance, America has taken a grave-yard spiral downward to almost utter perdition. The proof is evident in every area of American life especially in the ethical arena which suffuses every institution, especially legislation and public policy. While this has been a long time coming it is painfully blatant at this present time.

I found the post below from the Heritage Foundation quite interesting, and thought it would be especially interesting to those Christians, and non-Christian businessmen alike, as well as to those who have a general interest in the economy of our nation. It is posted here without any lengthy commentary so that I might share with the reader the Heritage Foundation’s findings.

Liberty is a precious gift. Whether that liberty is spiritual, cultural or economic, it is both precious and priceless. Since this particular post deals with the economy of our nation my focus is economic. Thus, when our national economic liberty is threatened by those in legislative power, the American people must stand against such an abuse of magisterial power – and it is the people of God that must lead the way by the implementation of God’s Word on the economy.

“Is America Still the Land of the Free?”
The Heritage Foundation

“For the first time in the history of the Index of Economic Freedom, the United States is no longer in the top category of economically free countries, and even places second in the North American region (behind Canada). This year’s score of 78, though high by global standards, is 2.7 points lower than last year, and bumps it to a second tier country of freedom.

What is Economic Freedom?

Economic freedom refers to the ability of individuals to control his or her own labor and property. In an economically free society, individuals are free to work, produce, consume, and invest in any way they please, with that freedom both protected by the state and unconstrained by the state. In economically free societies, governments allow labor, capital and goods to move freely, and refrain from coercion or constraint of liberty beyond the extent necessary to protect and maintain liberty itself. Studies in the Index of Economic Freedom demonstrate important relationships between economic freedom and job creation, per capita income, economic growth rates, human development, democracy, the elimination of poverty, and environmental protection.

What Changed?

The U.S. government’s interventionist responses to the economic and financial crisis that began in 2008 have significantly undermined economic freedom and long term prospects for economic growth. There are multiple factors which affect a country’s economic freedom—government size and regulation, trade restrictions, inflation and price controls, and labor policies, among the few. Economic freedom has declined in 7 of the 10 categories measured.

Uncertainties caused by ongoing regulatory changes and politically influenced stimulus spending have discouraged entrepreneurship and job creation, thereby slowing recovery. Leadership in free trade has been undercut by “Buy American” provisions in stimulus legislation and failure to pursue previously agreed trade agreements with Panama, Columbia, and South Korea. Tax rates are increasingly uncompetitive and massive. Stimulus spending is creating unprecedented deficits. Bailouts of financial and automotive firms have generated concerns about property rights.

Why is Economic Freedom Important?

Economic freedom is crucial to increasing prosperity and creating jobs. Overregulation, taxes, and uncertainty in the market discourage investment—the key factor in creating jobs. The solution to creating more jobs and delivering economic growth sits with entrepreneurs and businesses, not with government decision-makers. Put simply, the public sector can’t match the vitality of the private sector in promoting growth. Governments, even those that promise change, are primarily agents of the status quo. Real change happens when those outside the mainstream have the freedom to try new things: new production processes, new technologies, and new methods of organizing workers and capital.

Furthermore, greater economic freedom has a positive correlation to higher standards of living and GDP growth, less poverty, and good governance. Citizens in economically free nations enjoy greater access to ideas and resources, forces that let all of us exchange, interact and participate in an increasingly interconnected world. The best way to help those in poverty is to give them access to the pursuit of their own dreams and goals, and a stake in their own success.”

One final thought: As to why economic freedom and prosperity for the Saints is important. So that we may establish God’s Covenant and advance His Kingdom on earth – in time and in history. cf Deut 8:18
Pro Rege

Economics, Stewardship & Scripture

A people’s concept about God, man, and the world directly determines their idea as to the proper role of civil government in any given society. This principle can also be applied to the church and her members. As for the church, its idea of God, if it is not based upon the entirety of the Scripture’s counsel, will result in erroneous doctrine, which results in erroneous practice, which then must result in the wrong choice of political, and governmental leadership. I am always amazed at the ignorance of professing church members who consistently vote for candidates who clearly hold anti Biblical views on government, law, and economics. Christian Economist Thomas Rose rightly stated, “Man’s theology determines his philosophy of man, which in turn produces his political philosophy. Out of this develops a nation’s policies, from which evolves the economic system.”

Simply put; “As a man thinketh, so is he”. Whenever a nation wrongly views God, or as in many communist nations, denies the existence of God, that nation will vote for candidates, who will support, and ultimately usher in a government controlled economic system. Rose confirms this. “The natural outgrowth of the humanist viewpoint of man can only be a controlled, and regimented society: socialism, fascism, communism or the welfare state, which is different not in essence but only in degree.”

Covetous men are sinful men. When covetous men capture political power they strive to manipulate the societal order in order to control it to their benefit, and reap economic wealth. The covetous refuse to work legitimately, and through legitimate means, for their wealth. They would rather take what is not theirs by any means available even if it means violating the clear standards of law, justice and equity. Their desire is to take what is not lawfully their own and to change the face of society to advance their philosophical viewpoint. This is often done through the implementation of unlawful legislation, but this is only to appease a wretched conscious for those that still have a soul. The covetous man craves, with the intent to obtain by coercion, or craft, or even direct force, that which lawfully belongs to another. Covetous men are thieves, and when thieves assume political position their larceny is clearly manifested by the laws they endorse, and the policies that they support.

In this American, post-Christian environment, the saints must be more savvy, and acutely aware, more than ever before, concerning this nation’s policies, and their ramifications. This means that the study of practical issues from the standpoint of Scriptural strategy and logistics must be a steady diet. The saints must understand what the Scriptures say about privacy, economic safety and stewardship, investments, education, medicine, national and personal defense et al so as to implement God’s Word to this present life.

This blog post is a call for this careful study and implementation of Biblically sound stewardship principles in light of this nation’s present distress. It is a call to the committed saint only, because only the committed saint understands the importance of timely implementation.

In an article by Gary North entitled “Gold and Metal Paralysis: The Agony of Procrastination” he writes;

“There is no procrastination to match gold procrastination. I say this after watching the gold market since 1963. On December 27, 2005,I sent out an issue of “Gary North’s Reality Check” on this topic: “Gold and Mental Paralysis, Part 2: A Missed Opportunity . . . Again.” I was not preaching to the choir. The choir had long ago bought gold. I was preaching to pew-sitters. [This post is a reprint] For old time’s sake, I hereby reprint [it]. If it still applies to you, you are in agony. You sat in the “pew” and did nothing. You are now poorer. You know it. You are kicking yourself, for good reason. You knew.”

Too many saints are still sitting in the pews doing nothing but worrying about the future. Some are telling themselves that it is all going to pass without so much as being a bump in the road. Others are trying to convince themselves that it is not as bad as it seems, or that God will somehow protect them even if they sit idly by without doing a thing or making any stewardship preparations. Still others believe the rapture will come before the money fails, and the societal order crumbles under a tempest of immorality, Fabian socialism and tyrannical fascism. This attitude is dangerous both to the individual and to the Kingdom work.

I have not been blessed with much money. I am not rich in dollars. I have been made rich in knowledge, both about money as well as the Scriptures in general, and their application. I am passionate about stewardship especially when it comes to money and how to steward those things, which God has given me for the kingdom advancement.

I am not an expert in everything; I do not claim to be. I am, however, very knowledgeable in some things. Those things that I do not understand I find someone who does, and I tap into his understanding so that I may understand. Over the years I have discovered, researched and developed many faithful resources concerning Biblical stewardship.

In the coming months, if God wills, I am going to introduce a series of written reports entitled “Economics, Stewardship and Scripture”. It will be offered on a subscription basis only. It will not be free, but it will be affordable. It will be loaded with Biblically sound ideas on stewardship, and the economic situation we face. More importantly it will reveal important logistical steps that can, and must be taken for the well being of your family, your church, and the overall health of the Kingdom of God. It will also point you to a great many resources that I personal rely upon each week. These will assist you in deeper research and planning. Together we will not only weather the storm that is approaching, but we will overcome, and be victorious under God, and by His Grace for the advancement of His kingdom.

Pro Rege!

Listen to “The Economic Implications of the Incarnation” @ Sermon