Monthly Archives: December 2011

New Geneva Update 2012

New Geneva is launching its winter/spring semester beginning January 10th, 2012 via Internet conferencing and on campus teaching.

On campus classes include Biblical Economics, Biblical Worldview introduction studies, studies in Christian Character, literary analysis of Shakespeare’s King Henry V and Hamlet, and Logic I and II.

Correspondence courses via internet conferencing include Rhetoric/Homiletics and Systematic Theology.

New Geneva is also offering studies in statesmanship and political analysis this spring. This is a One year tract of 30 credit hours targeting all the necessary Biblical principles of leadership and statesmanship. Students interested in studying at the Geneva facility will have the benefit of full library privileges which include over 30,000 books and documents, along with thousands of primary source micro fiche documents.

As the Lord allows we hope to be hosting various professors and lecturers on special topics of interest.

For more information, scheduling and housing contact or